Names you should put your baby if he is male

Names you should put your baby if he is male

If you are expecting a baby boy and you want to give him the best name in the world, when you pronounce it, it will be elegant and original, then take note of these ideas that you will surely like.

The most important aspect of a person who identifies himself is the name, many mothers make the mistake of creating strange names that when they are written or pronounced are perceived as if they were from another planet and that is precisely what we do not want, a simple name and nice to hear, it is the most pleasant feeling that exists, I invite you to pay attention to these names.

Names you should put your baby if he is male

Pretty names

- Juan
- Sebastian
- Andres
- Camilo
- David
- Chelsea
- Richard
- Jhon
- John
- Esteban
- Diego
- Carl
- Eric
- Daniel
- Jackson
- Ethan
- Mark
- Noah
- Logan
- Andrew

These names are the best for your baby if you are going to be a man, so you already know a friend, you just have to conjugate these names with a surname that transmits homogeneity and when pronounced it sounds spectacular.

We wish you a happy pregnancy friend.

Names you should put your baby if he is male Names you should put your baby if he is male Reviewed by Girlcheck on diciembre 20, 2018 Rating: 5
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